Chef Nafy

My favorite childhood memory is of my grandmother using baobab fruit to make refreshing, invigorating and nutritious beverages for us kids. My mother and I continued the tradition after her passing and when our family moved to the US I wanted to bring the flavors of my childhood with me. 

The Baobab tree, also knows as the tree of life, grows throughout most of Africa and is an essential part of African cuisine and culture. In Senegal, baobab is a natural remedy for many ailments. It has more Vitamin C than oranges, more magnesium than kale, more potassium than bananas, more calcium than milk and is high in soluble fiber. It's a superfood, and it's in most of our products. 

I welcome you to the TERANGA family and hope you enjoy these baobab beverages, snacks, meals, sauces and frozen treat and that it brings well-being to your mind, body, and spirit.